Short Sales

Helping You With Real Estate Short Sales



What is a short sale?

A short sale occurs when real estate is sold for less than the amount of debt owed to the lienholder. This typically happens when the lienholder expects that a mortgage will never be repaid. If your mortgage is higher than the value of your home, a short sale may be your best option.

Benefits of a short sale?

If you weigh a potential home foreclosure against a short sale, the latter would be the best choice from a personal credit standpoint. Not only would that save your credit score, but you would be able to buy another home, in some instances, almost immediately after your sale is completed. You would also save on all the fees associated with a home sale, including agent commissions and closing costs.

Costs of a short sale?

Free, there are no fees for the seller to pay for conducting a short sale; the agent's fees are absorbed in the sale.

Do I have to be behind on my payments to short sale?

No, in many instances a homeowner can maintain payments up to the time of sale, while preserving credit.

How long does a short sale take?

Historically, short sales could take up to six months or more to complete. Our general turnaround time is under 90 days.

Will my neighbors know that I’m in foreclosure?

Unfortunately, Fader & Co. cannot conceal the fact that a lis pendens is filed on your property. But working with our team, we can keep a sign off of your property and personal information limited.

Is my information kept confidential?

All personal information is kept secure and destroyed after transactions have taken place.

How do i begin the short sale process?

Simply contact Fader & Co. and set an appointment.

Speak to someone now! Call (904) 453-7968

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